Tuesday, January 3, 2012

January 3, 2012 Thresh Out The Chaff

SCRIPTURE READING:  Matthew 3:7 - 4:11

SCRIPTURE:  Matthew 3:12
He is ready to separate the chaff from the wheat with His winnowing fork.  Then He will clean up the threshing area, gathering the wheat into His barn but burning the chaff with never-ending fire.


husks of grain or seed
chopped hay & straw used as fodder
lighthearted joking
worthless things
distinguish good from bad

 blow free of chaff
get rid of from grain
separate, examine

beat out or separate
analyze in search of a solution

cereal plant bearing dense four-sided seed spikes
grain used in making flour

I thought this verse today was a good verse to use as a New Resolution.   Jesus Christ begins in helping us with any resolution we want to start for the year 2012.  Jesus is the only one that can see to it that any goal that we want to complete for this year.  It begins with Him.  We need to have Jesus in every aspect in our lives.  We need to pray for anything that we need, problems to solve, decisions to make and helping others.  Jesus will help separate the chaff in our lives and thresh out the bad so that we can have a never-ending fire of His love and light.  If we listen and read His Word, the answers will come.  The flour of the wheat will become great things if we allow Jesus in our lives.  He is ready and He is waiting....waiting for us just to knock and ask.

In our church service on Sunday, our associate pastor talked about knocking on Jesus' door to seek and ask through prayer.  Prayer, this is something I personally need to work harder and PUSH (Pray Until Something Happens) for what I need to happen.  PUSH my finances away, PUSH so that I have better health, PUSH that my son will have better job,  PUSH for peace in my soul and that I will no longer have fear in anything and my anxieties of life will go away.  PUSH that Jesus will thresh out the chaff in me and purify me into a fine flour to do His will.  This is my resolution......PUSH!

Dear Heavenly Father, I praise and love you.  You are the creator of all things.  You are our resolutions of everything we want to accomplish.  Through my Father all things can be done with your strength.  Refine me, Oh Lord, into a fine flour of your will.  Thresh out the chaff in my life so that I can do your will, in the mighty name in Jesus Christ.....Amen

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