Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas of 2011

Well we are coming to a close of the year of 2011. It's Christmas Eve morning, I'm sitting here reminiscing over the year wondering where did the year go. It's been a busy year!!!! Starting with my son getting engaged and married in a matter of 3 months. I now have a wonderful daughter that I can finally spoil. I'm so much enjoying my new extended family. Not only do I have a wonderful daughter but I really enjoy her family as well. Spent Thanksgiving with them and had such a wonderful relaxed time and felt like I was a part of their family too.

Let's see.... Not only did we adopt a daughter, we have also adopted another cat. Some kids in the neighborhood had him and wanted us to care for this cat. Well we brought him in and he immediately made us his home. His name is Gumbo. Never had a male cat before and male cats definitely have a different personality than my female cat Trixie. By the way, Trixie, hates we are the official referees between these two. Trixie has become such a grumble bear. Poor thing... I guess I would grumble too if I had someone constantly picking on me and jumping on top of me and biting me too....oh wait..... Gumbo does that to me too. He loves to play. Before I had him declawed, my arms were the results of battle scars of our play. He's rough. Gumbo has really livened the household. Lots of laughter, yelling, broken nick-nacs, and lots of cuddling and love, we are really enjoying him.

Our travels this year has been to Tahoe and Branson, which I have not been to either. Tahoe was beautiful, but I couldn't handle the altitude. It was a wierd feeling and a constantly saw spots. My face puffed up like a Marshmellow Dough Boy. So my experience was not so positive. But discovered afterwards that I've become allergic to SPF products. I was using a cover stick that I had just bought for the trip that had SPF. The more I would try and cover my swollen red eyes the more they would swell. But when I didn't where make up it would get better. Hence, the it wasn't all Tahoe's fault. But I still blamed the spots in my eyes cause that went away when I came home.

Branson was really fun and relaxing. We did a lot of sleeping. Never enjoyed naps as I did that week. I went Zip-lining.....Oh what a blast that was!!!! Loved it. Don't worry no bungee jumping for me.....this is about as adventurous I will get.... But makes me wonder about skydiving...Hmmmm....hubby and I have been talking about the possibility. We went to see various shows, Noah, Six and Shoji....and had a wonderful time.

I've gone back to school with my son at The Way Bible College in The Woodlands to get an associates degree in Biblical studies and theology. Loving it!!!!! Will be going this year and next. I'm learning so much about my precious Lord Jesus Christ that my mind and heart is about to explode in joyfulness.

So this has been the high lights of my year and I wondered where it's been a blessed year. I see that my Netflix Fireplace program has ended and I need to start it up again, make me another cup of coffee and send prayers to everyone out in my Facebook land a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a GLORIOUS PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR!!!! Love each and every one of you!