Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 2 - Setting Out

Message from Pastor Cheryl Smith:
Good morning, ladies! I was excited to get to the computer and connect with all of you this morning. Whatever the significant differences between women and men, it is obvious that we understand "connection" in a different way. Our way might not be better or worse than men's way, but it is quite different, and I know for sure that we do ourselves no favors when we neglect our need to be in relationship with other women. This is a new kind of relating for us--an email conversation with women who we (mostly) don't know, and yet who share a desire to experience some piece of the sacred journey together.
It's Monday, and we are alll back to whatever schedules demand our lives, but it's Monday together. . . . . .it's good to be walking the same path with you all.
Today, let's read and reflect on pages 6 and 7. And may the blessing be before you ALL DAY LONG!
I'm a bit behind here but here is day 2 of our Women's Christmas Retreat........
"every pilgrimage shrine is an archetype of the sacred centre"
1. a building or other shelter, often of a stately or sumptuous character, enclosing the remains or relics of a saint or other holy person and forming an object of religious veneration and pilgrimage.
2. any place or object hallowed by its history or associations: a historic shrine. 
3. any structure or place consecrated or devoted to some saint, holy person, or deity, as an altar, chapel, church, or temple.
4. a receptacle for sacred relics; a reliquary.
 1. a journey, especially a long one, made to some sacred place as an act of religious devotion: a pilgrimage to Lourdes.
2. any long journey, especially one undertaken as a quest or for a votive purpose, as to pay homage
1. the original pattern or model from which all things of the same kind are copied or on which they are based; a model or first form; prototype.
2. (in Jungian psychology) a collectively inherited unconscious idea, pattern of thought, image, etc., universally present in individual psyches.
We all have some type of sacred pilgrimage that we take from a pattern or thought I feel is our gift from God that he wants to share with us.  It's that pilgrimage that we individually need to journey.  It's this journey that we need to make ourselves with God. 
Have you ever taken a trip that began as a dream, an imagining, a moment of illuminations?  I'm taking that trip now....a dream of having my own business.  A dream that I have wanted for years but never could figure out "What business?"  Now I know!!! 
What inspired you to set out?  God gave me a business plan in scripture that put the thought in my head.  I knew then what I needed to do.  A few months later, I prayed one morning dreading going to work and put my job in his hands to advise me what I needed to do....that very afternoon ....I was laid off  ...I knew God has a plan
Is there a pilgrimage you long to make?  Having my own business and now it is in place and all I have to do is journey through the process.
What would it take for you to go?  God made that decision for me and I'm on my way.  Buisness is in place...I just need to find my customers.  That is my journey to use the business that God gave me and work it for Him.

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